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Occupational Health & Safety Application

KITRY EHS  is a proven Modular, Ergonomic and Easy to Use, Comprehensive, and Secure application. It allows to integrate your Company's Internal Procedures in its implementation of Health and Safety in the Workplace.  
KITRY EHS  is available in SaaS, on-premise, or in IaaS via the acquisition of Licenses. It is currently being used by over 5000 Professionals Worldwide and hosts over 2.5 million Medical Files in a Health Data Hosting-certified (HDS) Cloud infrastructure. KITRY's Hosting Partner is cegedim
.cloud, ranked #1 among France's Health Data Hosting Providers for over 6 years (Truffle100 and Syntec Numérique ranking).

KITRY EHS is available off-the-shelf with basic Build & Options or in Business Project mode. Our Project Methodology covers Project Management, Analysis, Integration, as well as Ongoing & Corrective Maintenance. 

Ordinateur avec un stéthoscope
Personne tombe d'une échelle
Panneau risk and safety
Ordinateur avec une femme

One more thing

KITRY EHS guarantees the Confidentiality and the Integrity of your Data and offers Access & Operations Traceability, Data Continuity; several hundred multi-site Users who manage very large volumes of Data can attest to the excellent level of Performance.

KITRY EHS is a Robust Solution that relies on ORACLE Technology in Embedded Software License mode, which includes all ORACLE Products necessary for its proper functioning (e.g., Database, Application Server, Report Generator).

KITRY EHS offers Simple, Intuitive, and Ergonomic Operation, allowing Transversal use of Data, while conforming to applicable Legislation on Occupational Health & Safety.

Easy to Use, Proven, Reliable, and Efficient Solution

Functional and Technical Support from Occupational Health & Safety Experts (> 10 years of experience on average)

Maximum Level of Security and Access Traceability

Suitable for small Companies as well as for large International Groups

Comprehensive Data Model and complete Historization

New Responsive, Modern, Ergonomic, and Intuitive Interface

Why choose KITRY?


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Kitry SA in Belgium


Head office address :

Rue du Commerce, 12

B-1400 Nivelles


Phone :


+32 (0)67 21 16 27


Share capital : 144 000 €

Company number : 0808.621.296

VAT : BE0808 621 296


Publisher information


KITRY's website is hosted by WIX Online Platform Limited whose head office is located at

1 Grant’s Row, Dublin 2 D02HX96, Ireland

Téléphone +1 415 639 9034

Kitry SAS in France


Head office address :

Quai Jaubert, 4

32100 Condom


Phone :


+33 (0)5 62 68 40 40


Share capital : 37 000 €

RCS Auch : 480 463 413

VAT : FR30 480 463 413

Kitry SA in Luxembourg


Head office address :

Route de Bastogne, 19

L-9638 Pommerloch


Phone :


+352 26 64 93 43


Share capital : 440 320 €

RCLUX : B99601

VAT : LU 2005 2104

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