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An ultra-secure, flexible, modular, and scalable Solution.

Santé au travail

Occupational Health

A Simple and Comprehensive Medical File, an Anamnesis at a glance, your Visit Protocols, a Web Calendar for making Appointments, generating customizable Documents, importing Data from your HRIS or from Medical Devices, analyzing the Data via an ergonomic Analytics Tool, Data Historization, Access and CRUD Traceability, Securing of Personal Data and Attachments in the Encrypted Database, 2-factor Authentication, Web Questionnaires, optional Voice Typing and Teleconsultations, Legal Documents and Procedures...

Ordinateur avec un stéthoscope
Accidents de travail et Maladies Professionnelles
Personne tombe d'une échelle

Occupational Accidents and Diseases

Entering Data into KITRY EHS or retrieving Information from third-party Software, qualifying Events, monitoring remote Filing and Reporting, Web Incident Warning, Near-Misses, Analytical Management of Files related to the Workstations, setting up Wokflows, producing Statistical Reports, optional SCAN-OCR of Paper Documents.

Sécurité au Travail

Occupational Safety

Managing Workstations, Homogeneous Exposure Groups, Warnings and their Action Plans, Workflows, and the "3 Green Lights" Process, Occupational Risk Assessment with the possibility of configuring several Methods for calculating Criticality Indicators for Hazardous Situations, Chemical Product Management and Risk Assessment, Ambient Metrology, Web Questionnaires, Building Management, Fire Plans, historizing the Organizational Structure, Web Reporting of Dangerous Situations, configurable Legal Documents.

Panneau risk and safety
Portail dédié aux gestionnaire
Femme devant un ordinateur

Manager Portal

Overview of the Manager's Staff, the Positions and the Risks in the Department, Planning of Medical Appointments according to the needs of the Department, retrieving non-Medical Appointment Reports, Statistical Calculations and Reports…

Portail dédié aux travailleurs

Employee Portal

Online Appointment Scheduling, sharing Documents and Certificates with the Occupational Medicine Staff, Web Questionnaires, reporting Incidents, Job Descriptions, and Notices...

Legal information

Publisher information

Kitry SA in Belgium

Head office address :

Rue du Commerce, 12

B-1400 Nivelles

Phone :

+32 (0)67 21 16 27

Share capital : 144 000 €

Company number : 0808.621.296

VAT : BE0808 621 296

Publisher information

KITRY's website is hosted by WIX Online Platform Limited whose head office is located at

1 Grant’s Row, Dublin 2 D02HX96, Ireland

Téléphone +1 415 639 9034

Kitry SAS in France

Head office address :

Quai Jaubert, 4

32100 Condom

Phone :

+33 (0)5 62 68 40 40

Share capital : 37 000 €

RCS Auch : 480 463 413

VAT : FR30 480 463 413

Kitry SA in Luxembourg

Head office address :

Route de Bastogne, 19

L-9638 Pommerloch

Phone :

+352 26 64 93 43

Share capital : 440 320 €

RCLUX : B99601

VAT : LU 2005 2104

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